Matthew Lynch
Matthew has been a prominent animal activist for the last 12 years. He is the Assistant Producer and Primary Investigator – Dominion. He worked for many organisations such as Strategic Director at Aussie Farms, Animals Australia, ALV, PETA, and Deck Crew for Sea Shepherd. Matthew has previously spoken at 2 other Animal Activist Forums, 2 march to close all slaughter houses, Vegan Campout, Dominion March and many Dominion Screenings.
Cancel Culture – An Open Forum
I’m scared that the voice that we need is being extinguished quicker than we can create more because we are silencing activists internally at a faster rate than we are creating new ones.
We all want change. We all want a safer and more inclusive world. I really struggle with the idea that cancelling people with a different opinion to ours. is the best we can do. Surely there is a better solution than brushing people we disagree with under the carpet.
I know we have a problem and my main goal is to try and help foster a safe environment for people discuss this and other topics without having the fear of being rejected from their friends and community.