Mick McIntyre

Mick McIntyre

Mick McIntyre is an award-winning film maker with a passion for wildlife protection. His film WHAT TO DO ABOUT WHALES led to Mick working for over 20 years on whale conservation issues. He was involved in the development of whale watching across Australia and the pacific islands. Mick’s films have been considered for the Academy Awards and have been positively reviewed in the NY Times, LA Times, Variety, Hollywood Reporter, BBC and Le Monde.
Mick co-directed the movie KANGAROO a Love Hate story with Kate Clere, an investigative story uncovering the cruel and barbaric reality for thousands of kangaroos across the country. Mick and Kate were shocked from all they learnt making the film and have committed themselves to do all they can to protect this magnificent wildlife.
From their eye-opening experience making the film they have created KANGAROOS ALIVE, a global movement for the ethical treatment of kangaroos. Kangaroos Alive creates solutions-based advocacy programs that act as a conduit for change. The Kangaroo Walks and Talks program is creating culture of appreciation, understanding and protection for kangaroos.


How to run a Kangaroo Walk and Talk Workshop

Connect your community to their local mob by running a Kangaroo Walk and Talk.

People relate to the visible family structures and behaviours of kangaroos often comparing it to their own.  This similarity draws connection, and therefore the want to protect and care for local kangaroo mobs. We hope to emulate the success of Whale Watching where people now see the value in appreciating whales in their environment.

We have created a ‘Kangaroo Walk and Talk Kit’ to get interested parties started.  It can be adapted to suite local environments.The kit includes:

  • Organiser tips
  • Suggested Script
  • Fact Sheet
  • Behaviour Cards
  • Yuin Kangaroo Declaration
  • Direction Signs
  • Social Media Posts
  • Brochure
  • Poster

We also have a Waiver and Public Liability Insurance for those that may need permits or licences, and/or would like to charge a fee. This workshop will help get you started.  We are here to support you set up your own Kangaroo Walk and Talk based on the experiences we have had with our pilot program. The pilot program has been adopted by Outdoors Victoria as part of their Nature Stewart course, school groups, and the local community. The Kangaroo Walk and Talk kit can be downloaded on our website.