Lyndal Carmichael

Lyndal Carmichael

Lyndal Carmichael is a Meeanjin (Brisbane) based photographer who has been a passionate animal rights activist for over a decade. Working with numerous animal rescue groups looking after and rehabilitating animals, including hundreds of greyhounds through Friends of The Hound. She provides professional photography and videography to multiple groups throughout the country. She joined the Animal Liberation Queensland (ALQ) Board of Directors in 2020 and stepped into the role of Chair in 2021.

Drones – how to harness the power of drones to help animals

Drones are emerging as invaluable allies in animal rights. They provide a unique vantage point and also provide a safer way for activists to capture footage.

In the last few years, drone footage has captured undeniable visual evidence of animal cruelty, serious environmental breaches and systematic issues within multiple types of properties. This evidence serves as a powerful tool to hold wrongdoers accountable and bring about legal action as well as public awareness.

This presentation will go over the laws, limitations and most of all, advantages. We will look at practical tips and filming techniques to get you comfortable capturing your own footage.