Jed Goodfellow
Dr Jed Goodfellow BA/LLB (Hons), GDLP, PhD leads the Alliance’s law and policy reform agenda and government relations work. He has over 20 years experience in animal welfare law, policy, and advocacy, having previously worked in senior policy, prosecutorial, and enforcement roles with the RSPCA across Australia. Jed has represented animals in courtrooms, parliamentary inquiries, standard setting forums, and regularly in the media. He played an integral role in the campaigns to end live exports and the use of battery cages. Jed developed Macquarie University’s Animal Law unit in 2012 and has taught the course annually for the past 10 years. In 2015, Jed was awarded a PhD in animal welfare regulation. His research examined the role of agriculture departments in regulating animal welfare and provided an empirical and analytical basis for law reform proposals to establish new animal welfare governance models in Australia.
Why it’s time for a #FairGoForAnimals
Australia’s animal welfare policy system is broken. Decision-makers are plagued by conflicts of interest, and animal use industries have an unacceptable degree of influence over government. The outcome is a system that works against the interests of animals and fails to protect them from harm. The Australian Alliance for Animals has developed a reform agenda to address this problem – the #FairGoForAnimals campaign. The campaign proposes a new framework for creating a more balanced and independent animal welfare governance system in Australia. In this presentation, Dr Good will outline why the campaign was created and how it will help build a fairer Australia for all animals. Come along to learn all about the six-point #FairGoForAnimals reform framework, including why we need ministerial recognition of animal welfare, a national animal welfare commission, state/territory animal welfare authorities, sentience recognition under law and improved animal welfare standards and decision-making processes. Learn more at: www.fairgoforanimals.org.au