Peggy Hailstone

Peggy Hailstone

Peggy Hailstone is a multi-skilled writer and third-sector business development specialist. Over 15 years she’s supported charities with revenue ranging from $70K to $700M; securing hundreds of thousands of dollars for individual organisations and millions in total.

Peggy is author and creator of GrantSchool, an online e-learning coaching program that teaches NFPs how to source and secure grant funding in a systematic and non-stressful way. While popstar Meghan Trainor may be ‘all about the bass / no treble’, Peggy is all about the process / no trouble.

Grant Writing – ‘All about the process / No trouble’

Regardless of organization size grant funding presents non-profits with an opportunity for innovation, expansion, modernization, advancement, development, capacity building, and mission fulfilment.  Yet sourcing and securing grant funding causes an untold amount of trouble, angst, and disappointment. Where do you start? Which funder do you approach? Which grant round should you apply in? What type of funding should you go for? Where do you get the needed information? How much should you ask for? Why have your last five applications failed?

Avoiding grant trouble is ultimately about implementing a replicable process. In ‘All about the process / No trouble’ Peggy will walk you through the 7-step GrantSchool process – upskilling you and your charity to pursue grants in a planned, strategized, and coherent manner.

If you’re interested in securing grant funding for your organization in a streamlined, skillful and stress-free way do not miss this practical presentation.